Migraine Nebula


Migraine Nebula

This is actually the Western Veil Nebula, but as someone who occasionally gets ocular migraines, I refer to this as the Migraine Nebula. I’m grateful for the fact that I don’t get the painful headaches associated with this phenomena, but I do get the intense visual hallucinations that look exact like the electrically charged wisps and tendrils of this gorgeous nebula.

Captured using my AT8RC telescope and QSI683WSG combination on top of an Atlas EQ-G mount that was guided, gently and lovingly, by a Lodestar X2 guide camera. This is a false-color image constructed from the incredibly narrow 3nm bands of light in the Hydrogen-Alpha and Oxygen-III spectra thanks to Astrodon Narrow-Band filters. The data capture was orchestrated by Sequence Generator Pro in tandem with OpenPHD2 for guiding. Image processing was done in PixInsight.

See more about this image on its Astrobin page, and read more about the Veil Nebula on wikipedia.